Sandbox on Paypal

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    Joshua Shapiro


    thanks for the video by Jason, unfortunately Paypal changed the way
    it does the Sandbox

    I think I have everything setup properly – but one field
    I can’t find within the sandbox, Paypal PDT to get the Identity Token

    am I to assume for my tests, this is not needed?

    also in the plugin, s2member pro using sandbox that we won’t see what is
    called an email confirmation but the test customer has a paypal email,
    if I change this to one of my emails then shouldn’t I see the email confirmation

    am hoping on the test system I have to run through my system using
    the sandbox – just that sandbox know is shown under Paypal Developer
    and doesn’t have a way to get the Paypal PDT Identity Token



    I’ll ask Jason about those sandbox questions.

    But like I said in the other video I told you about, I recommend that you avoid using the sandbox and just stick to the live account and test with real transactions.

    Jason Caldwell

    I’ll see what we can do to improve that video. Honestly though, I stopped using their sandbox at all, so I’d need to run back through it all again in order to bring the video up-to-date. The last time I checked the Sandbox, it was still suffering from the same sort of problems that we saw long ago.

    I suggest not using the PP sandbox at all. s2Member supports it, but it has been my experience that testing in the sandbox only leads to new problems; i.e., peculiarities in the sandbox that don’t exist on their production servers.

    Most payment gateways work to provide a sandbox (or test mode) that is identical to the production servers. My feeling is that this was PayPal’s intention with their sandbox too, but that has not been the case at all. Often times, the sandbox behaves differently, which leads me to believe that it’s not only a sandbox for us (i.e., people using PayPal), but also for their developers who make changes to things all the time. I have no proof of that, but that is the way I perceive it; based on the last few years.

    So instead of using the sandbox, I suggest running low-dollar test transactions for like $0.01. That way your tests are giving you the response that you can expect to see once you go live.

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