Reply To: One purchase cancels a recurring payment

Forums General One purchase cancels a recurring payment Reply To: One purchase cancels a recurring payment

Carole Asselin

You know, something else is odd now. If a user is already registered to the site, but has a level 0, buying a ccap without a level (level = “0”) should keep the user at level 0, correct? But then, BUYING something changes from level 0 to at least 1. How is that done?

– A user has level 0 (free subscriber) and wants to buy a ccap that would bring him to a paid member level (level 1)
– A user has level 1 (paid member) and wants to buy a ccap that would keep him to a paid member level (level 1)
– A visitor who has never purchased or subscribed and wants to buy a ccap that would bring him to a paid member level (level 1)

If i use a pro-form and ask for registered members to login, that is so the form with level = “*” be applied, but how does the free member gets his level 1?

I am confused now.