Reply To: How to use s2IF / else properly and a way to substitute user level in a url

Forums General How to use s2IF / else properly and a way to substitute user level in a url Reply To: How to use s2IF / else properly and a way to substitute user level in a url

Joshua Shapiro

Cristian – I put all the s2IF conditions together (eliminating the blank lines) – figured out what
you were talking about and its working

but I want to clarify that in Jason examples using [s2IF current_user_can (access_s2member_levelX)]
this is for any level which is level X and greater so since our level 4 is free lifetime members – which is
an admin I used “can” —

thank you again –

now I am assuming when I take my test trial member and upgrade him to a paid level,
that s2member pro already sees he is a registered members and just changes his role
to the level he pays for – is this correct? so that I know any people who first join as a trial
member will be able to upgrade automatically by going through paypal

thank you – Joshua