Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?

Forums General How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded? Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?

Joshua Shapiro


I just played with a pdf file within options within my browser, and using Foxfire I saw there is an application
you can specify to work with file types – for pdf it was setup to display the file – so no settings I use within s2member pro
have any effect it appears

when I changed the application to download, it downloaded the file to my computer and when I set it to ask
it had a window that asked whether I wanted to view the pdf or download it

so how can we prepare for the situation of our member how they will perceive the pdf file – I am sure (although I have
tested this yet) I will run into the same situation with an mp3 file if it will automatically be played which since our mp3 files
could be an hour it would probably be better to let them be downloaded

do you have any suggestions how we can offer these two member files so the member is not confused what
is going on since how they setup their browser takes presidence (I believe) over what we use in s2memberpro linked
to downloading or viewing/playing
