Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?

Forums General How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded? Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?

Joshua Shapiro

Cristian you are an angle from God and I appreciate your help

you are the second person who has told me about set http headers – but when I right click on our bucket
this option does not appear – I have looked everywhere on amazon s3 and I can not find this option – could it be working with the firefox browser I don’t see it and should try chrome

on the first part I was able to add content dispostion – value attachment
now I don’t know if I needed to delete the other meta data I setup before
which was content-type text-plain (as I read someone else to suggest to force it to download)

in any case, it is possible unless I can find how to set http headers – that even
making the change to add content disposition – when I click on the link to our pdf
file on amazon s3 – using the code via s2member pro – we still see the pdf file
being displayed in the browser …

so so far we still are at an impass
plus I am assuming if and when we can get this working, this means we
will have to live with just letting our members download the files and not be
able to all view (the pdf files) or hear (the mp3 files)

any more ideas or suggestions —

any ideas if there is a way to get the plugin PDF Viewer to work with our pdf file on amazon s3
(the dvelopers said it won’t work)

thank you again Cristian
