Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?

Forums General How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded? Reply To: How to get a pdf file on amazon s3 to be viewed and downloaded?


how can I get a message to our member who wishes to download this file (pdf on
amazon s3) rather than the built in plugin in the browser taking over the screen and
then just displaying the pdf file

The PDF or MP3 will be opened in the browser, depending on how the browser is configured, I guess. Some will open it and others will download it to the computer.

how can I display the member pdf file in a pdf viewer that works within the structure of
my wordpress site – when the pdf file is in a bucket on amazon s3

You may need to generate a URL with a key. See: WP Admin -> s2Member -> Download -> Advanced

tried to send you a message via the contact function of the forum and it didn’t let me do so
is there any way I can talk with via email or skype

Sorry, I hardly use skype or email lately, but I’ll be checking this forum almost daily. Thanks for the heads up about the contact form, I’ll look into that.

thank you Cristian for doing this forum
